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Hist Cienc Saude Manguinhos ; 27(2): 431-446, 2020 Jun.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32667596


From 1869 to 1872, there was debate about bills to create the Observatorio Nacional Argentino and the Oficina Meteorológica Argentina. The proposed funding for these new national institutions, as well as their connection to public policies, were riven by conflicts inherent to that phase of the construction of the State. Some sectors opposed the bills before the Congreso Nacional, arguing that resources were scarce. President Domingo Sarmiento charged that they were allies of the previous government, which he described as "barbarous." This article shows that the bills' supporters stressed that they were low-cost. They achieved passage of the bills by linking their discourse with contemporary policies aimed at other concerns, such as education, immigration and epidemics.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 27(2): 431-446, abr.-jun. 2020.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134054


Resumen Entre 1869 y 1872 se debatieron los proyectos de creación del Observatorio Nacional Argentino y de la Oficina Meteorológica Argentina. Las propuestas de financiamiento de nuevas instituciones nacionales, así como su articulación con las políticas públicas, estaban atravesadas por conflictos propios de la etapa de construcción del Estado. Oponiéndose a los proyectos elevados al Congreso Nacional, algunos sectores argumentaban recursos escasos. El presidente, Domingo Sarmiento, los acusaba de ser aliados de un gobierno anterior, considerado como "bárbaro". No obstante, mostraremos que quienes defendían los proyectos, consideraban también inadmisible un gasto elevado, remarcaban que era poco y lograban su aprobación articulando el discurso con políticas entonces en curso que apuntaban a otras inquietudes como la educación, la inmigración y las epidemias.

Abstract From 1869 to 1872, there was debate about bills to create the Observatorio Nacional Argentino and the Oficina Meteorológica Argentina. The proposed funding for these new national institutions, as well as their connection to public policies, were riven by conflicts inherent to that phase of the construction of the State. Some sectors opposed the bills before the Congreso Nacional, arguing that resources were scarce. President Domingo Sarmiento charged that they were allies of the previous government, which he described as "barbarous." This article shows that the bills' supporters stressed that they were low-cost. They achieved passage of the bills by linking their discourse with contemporary policies aimed at other concerns, such as education, immigration and epidemics.

Política , Astronomia , Academias e Institutos , Conceitos Meteorológicos , Argentina , História do Século XIX